Friday, December 9, 2011

Continuation of Majors and Minors Announcement

For me to be able to make a living at writing, at least while I'm self-publishing, this is how it has to happen. I can't believe that anyone would go into someone's small business and not buy anything because not everything is priced at a dollar. Yes, there are stores like Dollar General, or whatever, where everything is priced a dollar, and yet, other companies, such as Walmart and Target, obviously make more money. I have NO plans to ever increase prices again after this, even WHEN I make it (you know what 'make it' means). I would greatly appreciate everyone's support on this (even if you don't buy, no hate mail, please). This is NOT to make people angry. I will offer everyone GREAT stories at STILL AWESOME prices, a variety of prices. Still cheaper than buying at a bookstore. I can assure you, if I don't think the story is good, even the short ones, I WILL NOT make it available for purchase. Thank you for your support.